Program Schedule.
March 14-March 20, 2021
To Register: Click on the individual session links, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the blue “Register Here” button.
Please contact Addison Nace at ahnace@wisc.edu with any questions!
Please note: All times listed are Central Daylight Time. The United States begins Daylight Savings Time on 14 March, but many other countries around the globe do not, so please check carefully what the corresponding time is where you live, as the time differences this week may be different than usual. http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc (Use either Americas/Chicago or US/Central for the time on the program and then convert to wherever you are!)

Day/Night: The Equinox Craft Sessions
Session Three
Join us for an hour or so of a craft circle! Bring any project you’re working on, a cup, of tea, and good conversation!

Day/Night: The Equinox Craft Sessions
Session Two
Join us for an hour or so of a craft circle! Bring any project you’re working on, a cup, of tea, and good conversation!

Day/Night: The Equinox Craft Sessions
Session One
Join us for an hour or so of a craft circle! Bring any project you’re working on, a cup, of tea, and good conversation!

Landscapes: Session Three
Eternal Garden by Jenine Shereos
An Expanded Sense of Home: Working with the Natural Materials of Our Near Environments by Beverly Gordon and Lisa Binkley

Landscapes: The Color of a Weed: Workshop/Citizen Science Project
Lisa Jevbratt and Helén Svensson, The Color of a Weed: Workshop/Citizen Science Project

Inspiration from Landscapes: Session One
Sarah Pedlow, Making the Global Local Through Embroidered Art Practice
Lisa Jevbratt and Helén Svensson, The Color of a Weed

Ruth Ketterer Harris Lecture 2021: Bisa Butler
Ruth Ketterer Harris Lecture 2021: Bisa Butler

Families: Future Heirlooms Workshop
Sasha de Koninck, Research Lab of Ambiguous Futurology
Families: Children at Home In the Archives
Sarah Carter and Samantha Comerford , Children at Home in the Archives

Families: Session One
Emily Popp and Leo Hain, Necessity Is The Mother of Collaboration
Suzann Thompson, Round and Round in the Art, Craft, and Culture of Doilies

Responding to Crisis
Rohma Khan, A Home can be a World
John Chaich and T.J. Dedeaux-Norris, T.J. Dedeaux-Norris: Peace by Piece -ReMaking Identities at Home
Joanna Dermenjian, Choosing to Sew: How women use sewing to respond to disruption
Tania Pérez-Bustos and Isabel González Arango, Making Textiles to Invent Life in the Middle of the Colombian Armed Conflict

Materials: Scottish Wool and Pattern Launch
Allison Mayne, A Very Scottish Stash Talk and Pattern Launch
Materials: The Fiber Mill Virtual Tour
Kelsey Patton, A Continuing Tradition of Women in Textile Factory Work: A 21st Century Semi-Worsted Mill

Education: Session Three
Grant Johnson, Domestic Aesthetics: Textiles and the Museum at Home
Jennifer Lindsay, The Center for Knit and Crochet: Digital Strategies for Preserving and Sharing Our Knitting & Crochet Histories
Education: Session Two
Noga Bernstein, Localism in the Making at the New Bezalel's Textile Department
Nichola Burton, Designing machine-made Nottingham lace at Home
Sally Cooke, Home sewing as sustain-ability
Education: Session One
Embroidery In Isolation: Royal School of Needlework Degree Students Reflect on the Meaning of Home in their Final Major Project

Mending Practices
Lewis Scott, The personal [class] politics at play when mending clothes and tending to textiles in a time of crisis
'Angela Maddock, In Kind': A Dialogue on Repair